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Living Trust as Part of Estate Planning

Using a Living Trust as Part of Estate Planning

A living trust is a useful component of estate planning. It is designed to manage and protect assets during a person’s lifetime and to ensure a smooth transfer of those assets after death. Understanding the intricacies of a living trust, its advantages, and its interaction with a will is essential for anyone looking to establish… Read More »

Driver Was Primarily at Fault for an Accident

Proving Another Driver Was Primarily at Fault for an Accident

In Arkansas, proving fault is essential to recovering damages from another party following an auto accident. Arkansas operates under a comparative fault system, meaning that the amount of compensation an accident victim can receive is directly influenced by their degree of fault in the incident. Understanding this legal framework is important to recovering damages after… Read More »

How Arkansas Law Has Gotten Tougher on DWI Repeat Offenders

How Arkansas Law Has Gotten Tougher on DWI Repeat Offenders

If you’ve been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated in Arkansas, you’re understandably feeling stressed about the consequences. And you may have good reason. State law on DWI has become more intolerant in recent years, particularly for people with prior convictions. This makes it of critical importance to devise the strongest possible defensive strategy…. Read More »

Understanding Arkansas Law’s Presumption in Favor of Joint Custody

Understanding Arkansas Law’s Presumption in Favor of Joint Custody

At one time, Arkansas courts deciding on child custody generally favored keeping children with their mother unless she was an unfit parent. But this approach has been abandoned. Arkansas law now provides for granting joint custody whenever possible, based on the policy that having both parents take an active role creates a stable and supportive… Read More »

Understanding How COVID-19 May Have Affected the Value of Your Estate

The economic and personal upheaval triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak is likely to warrant a review of your estate plan, no matter how thorough you think it is. As Americans cope with health fears and financial volatility, it’s worthwhile to determine whether a will, trust, advance medical directive or other legal instrument needs to be… Read More »

Will You Get Property Tax Relief Due to the COVID-19 National Emergency?

Governments and even some private businesses have worked to ease the burden on people who are struggling financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For people who are concerned about losing their home after being laid off or seeing their business revenue plummet, programs have been established to offer rent and mortgage relief. While many will… Read More »

Communicating With Your Ex About COVID-19 Custody Issues

  During a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, family becomes more important than ever, especially for children whose schedules have been disrupted by long-term school closures and the cancellation of other activities. Parents who are divorced or live apart for other reasons know the importance of maintaining healthy communication through difficult situations. Though this… Read More »

What Happens if You Host a Gathering While in Quarantine?

Along with the serious health risks associated with coronavirus, Americans are burdened by quarantine orders and similar directives that forbid them from seeing their loved ones, even for major events such as holidays and birthdays. It can be tempting to try to break the rules, especially for people who believe that they don’t fall into… Read More »

Who Gets What? Dividing Property in Arkansas During a Divorce

“I’m goin’ through the big D, And don’t mean Dallas I can’t believe what the Judge had to tell us I got the Jeep, she got the palace”   Dividing Property in Arkansas in a Divorce The above lyrics from Mark Chesnutt’s “Goin’ Through the Big D” always makes me smile a bit but it… Read More »

What is an Annulment?

It never fails that clients will ask a question about annulment and whether it is a possibility for the breakup of their marriage.  It is not as easy or cut and dry as it appears in Las Vegas movies after a night of too much fun and questionable decisions because there are specific requirements for… Read More »